Monday, December 13, 2010

The building begins.....

The week of Christmas, when you think nothing will start, our block was pegged and scraped ready to accept the concrete slab.

Monday 13th December 2010 - Site was pegged to show the boundaries of the house. A very lonely peg but the sign of things happening

Monday 20th December 2010 - Site was excavated 

Tuesday 21st December 2010 - Piers were laid

Friday 7th January 2011 - Formwork set up to outline walls of the house plus plumbing

Friday 14th January 2011 - We have a slab!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Final Signoff - Eden Brae

Friday 3rd December 2010

Since signing on the dotted line back in July its been a long 6 months to get to final sign-off stage. After receiving, checking, signing off then rechecking all the PCV's and plans we are now heading off towards the construction phase. This was our last meeting with Chloe, our coordinator at Eden Brae, and now we wait to see if something happens before Christmas.

At this meeting, it was also discussed that our neighbours directly across the road are building an Eden Brae home at exactly the same time as ourselves. Therefore they will hopefully be able to share trades and also push things along. Fingers crossed!