Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Bricks cleaned and render begins.......

Tuesday 12th April 2011

Today the bricks were cleaned but to our  horror, the renderer turned up on the same day as the brick cleaner. After completing a very bodgy rendering job, the renderer left. The finish was awful and a call was made to the builder to request it to be redone.

On further talks with Eden Brae we discovered that they were building a completely different balcony to the one we wanted and therefore the render was rough as they were going to just tile over it. Thank god we stopped and checked. Eden Brae has since told us that they will rectify the balcony to the one chosen and render will be fixed.

Here's pics of what we mean. You can see bricks under some parts where the render is too thin and other spots no render at all. Very crappy finish for something we paid extra for!

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